۲- همان، صص ۷۸ – ۹۶. ↑
- Safe Havens ↑
- No-Fly Zones ↑
- See Thakur, Ramesh, The United Nations, Peace and Security, Cambridge University Press, New York, 2007, p. 258. ↑
۱- جهانی امنتر: مسئولیت مشترک ما، همان منبع، بند ۲۰۷؛ همچنین عنان، کوفی، با آزادی بیشتر: به سوی توسعه، امنیت و حقوق بشری برای همه، همان منبع، بندهای ۱۲۲- ۱۲۶. ↑

(( اینجا فقط تکه ای از متن درج شده است. برای خرید متن کامل فایل پایان نامه با فرمت ورد می توانید به سایت feko.ir مراجعه نمایید و کلمه کلیدی مورد نظرتان را جستجو نمایید. ))

۱- جهانی امنتر: مسئولیت مشترک ما ،همان منبع، بند۲۰۲. ↑
۲- عنان، کوفی، با آزادی بیشتر: به سوی توسعه، امنیت و حقوق بشری برای همه، همان منبع، بند ۱۳۷. ↑
۱- برای دیدن نظری مشابه ن.ک به موسوی، سید فضل ا… و حاتمی، مهدی، همان منبع، صص. ۱۷۳-۱۷۴. ↑
۱- برای اطلاعات بیشتر در این زمینه ن.ک به ممتاز، جمشید، مداخله بشردوستانه ناتو در کوزوو و اصل عدم توسل به زور، فصلنامه سیاست خارجی، سال چهاردهم، شماره ۴، زمستان ۱۳۷۹، صص ۱۰۲۹ به بعد. ↑
- See Evans, Gareth, Responsibility to Protect and Use of Military Force, Presentation to Seminar on International Use of Force, World Legal Forum , Hague, December 2007, pp. 1- 7. Available at http://www.worldlegalforum.org/Docs/Speech%20Gareth%20Evans.pdf (last visited 2010-01-05) ↑
- ECOWAS Warning and Response Network (ECOWARN ) ↑
-European Union Battlegroups ↑
-See Global Consultative Roundtable on the Responsibility to Protect: Civil Society Perspectives and Recommendations for Action, Responsibility to protect Engaging Civil Society, Interim Report, 2008, p.12. Available at: http://www.responsibilitytoprotect.org/index.php?module=uploads&func=download&fileId=653 (last visited 2009-12-05) ↑
- See Facareli, Carlo, Op.cit, p.212. ↑
- See Welesh, Jennifer, Implementing the Responsibility to Protect, Oxford Institute for Ethnics, Law and Armed Conflict, 2009, p.7. available at: www.elac.ox.ac.uk/downloads/r2p_policybrief_180209.pdf (last visited 2010-01-15) ↑
- Dual Standard ↑
- Burma ↑
- For More Information about this Case See The Responsibility to Protect and its application to the situation in Burma, International Coalition for the Responsibility to Protect, 2008, available at http://www.responsibilitytoprotect.org/files/R2PCS%20Statement%20on%20Burma%2021%20May%202008.pdf (last visited 2010-01-15) ↑
- For More information about this Case See The Georgia-Russia Crisis and the Responsibility to Protect: Background Note, Global Center for Responsibility to Protect, 2008, Available at: globalr2p.org/pdf/related/GeorgiaRussia.pdf(last visited 2010-01-17) ↑
- Bolton, John, Letter from Ambassador of US in United Nations on the Responsibility to Protect, 30 August 2005, Available at: http://www.responsibilitytoprotect.org/files/US_Boltonletter_R2P_30Aug05[1].pdf (last visited 2010-01-17) ↑
-See Brown, Adele, Op.cit, pp. 26-29. ↑
-Universal Declaration of Human Right ↑
-General Assembly Resolution, Number 308. (A/RES/63/308) ↑
- See Civil Society Perspectives and Recommendations for Action, Op.cit, pp.13-14. ↑
- Practice ↑
- See The Role of Civil Society in Strengthening the Responsibility to Protect Network, United Nations Association in Canada, Public Dialogue Series Publication, 2007, pp. 148. available at: http://www.unac.org/peacekeeping/en/pdf/academic_publication/chapter9.pdf (last visited 2009-12-05) ↑
- Vincent, Marie and Wouters, Jan, The Responsibility to Protect: Where Does the EU Stand, Leuven Centre for Global Governance Studies, Brief Policy No. 10, November 2008, p.9. ↑
- See Implementing the Responsibility to Protect, Op.cit, paras. 16, 17, 22, 25. ↑
-See, 2005 Summit Outcome, Op.cit, Para 139; see also Anan, Kofi, In Larger Freedom: towards Development, Security and Human Rights for all, 2005, Para. 135. (A/59/2005) ↑
۱-ن.ک به ممتاز، جمشید و نجفی اسفاد، مرتضی، بررسی بحران کوزوو و حقوق بینالملل، مجله دیدگاه های حقوقی، ، شماره ۱۷ و ۱۸، ۱۳۷۹، صص ۱۳۱- ۱۳۷. ↑
- Illegal but Legitimate ↑
۳- ن.ک به جهانی امنتر: مسئولیت مشترک ما، همان منبع، بندهای ۲۴۹ تا ۲۶۰. ↑
-See Bellamy, Alex, Preventing Future Kosovos and Future Rwandas, the Responsibility to Protect after the 2005 World Summit, Carnegie Council and Policy Innovations, 2006, p. 10. Available at: www.cceia.org/media/Bellamy_Paper.pdf (last visited 2009-09-15) ↑
- Department of Political Affairs(DPA) ↑
- For more Information about DPA See Politically Speaking, Bulletin of the United Nations Department of Political Affairs, Summer 2006, p.1. Available at http://www.un.org/Depts/dpa/newsletters/DPA%20Bulletin%20I.pdf (last visited 2010-01-05) ↑
- Universal Periodic Review (UPR) ↑
- United Nations Office for Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) ↑
-Department of Peacekeeping Operations (DPKO) ↑
-Peacebuilding Commission (PBC) ↑
- United Nations Development Program (UNDP) ↑
- Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) ↑
- United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) ↑
- Office of the Special Representative of the Secretary General on the Human Rights of Internally Displaced Persons (RSG on Human Rights of IDPs) ↑
- Steering Committee for Humanitarian Response (SCHR) ↑
- See Implementing the Responsibility to Protect, Op.cit, Paras.30-32. (A/63/677) ↑
- M. Haugevik, Kristin, Regionalizing the Responsibility to Protect , Possibilities, Capabilities and actualities, Norwegian Institute of International Affairs(NUPI), Available at: http://www.allacademic.com/one/www/research/index.php?cmd=Download+Document&key=unpublished_manuscript&file_index=1&pop_up=true&no_click_key=true&attachment_style=attachment&PHPSESSID=e114794ddb75822b0a20d29fcf1f2f39 (last visited 2010-02-12) ↑
- See Brown, Adele, Op.cit, pp. 41-43. ↑
- Non-interference ↑
-Non- indifference ↑
-See Bellamy, Alex, Wither the Responsibility to Protect? Humanitarian Intervention and the 2005 World Summit, Ethnic and International Affair, 2006, Vol. 20, No.2, pp. 157-162. ↑
- Continental Early Warning System (CEWS) ↑
-Panel of the Wise ↑

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